Thursday, December 4, 2014


Wow... I haven't posted since before Baby #3 was born...  and she's 14 months old already!   We've moved, and now settled in (mostly)... and it's time to share some new recipes.

Today I'll be sharing the spudnut recipe I tried a few weeks ago. We joked that I should only make them on Thursdays (it's a Lethbridge joke). These are tasty!


This recipe was given to me by the sweet lady down the street.  Really the only neighbour I've gotten to know.   It makes a huge batch, so be sure to share with everyone you know!


makes 5-7 dozen


2 pkg yeast

4 cups scalded milk, cooled

1.5 tsp salt

1 cup margarine

5 eggs, well beaten

1 cup sugar

2 cups mashed potatoes

2 tsp nutmeg

lots of flour


Add risen yeast (mix yeast with 1/4 c warm water) to cooled milk, then add sugar, eggs, margarine, salt mashed potatoes and nutmeg.  Stir well, and add enough flour to make a soft dough.


Let rise until double in size.   Then knead and roll out to 1/2 inch thick.  Cut with a donut cutter (I used a round cookie cutter, and my apple corer), and lay out on sheets to rise again. 


Cook in fat/lard until golden brown.   Then dip while hot in glaze.



1 lb icing sugar

2 Tbsp butter


Add enough hot water for it to be faintly thick.


Tips passed on to me before beginning:


-use electric frying pan.  3-4 Crisco cubes will be perfect to cook the donuts.  Temp at 375-400

-use whatever you have to shape donuts...   drinking glass, and spout to empty soy sauce, is what my neighbour uses

-use the remnants after cutting donuts to make various shaped donuts....    twists, donut hole clusters, etc (see pic below).

-neighbour uses instant mashed potatoes.  I would have made potatoes from scratch, so this was a good little time saver.

 -when donut is golden on one side, use a fork to turn over

-line a bowl, or lid of electric fry pan with paper town, and when removing donuts from oil, place in there to cool a smidge, and to drain fat off before glazing.

-they can be frozen

-extra hands are very handy!


Some twists made from remnants:


A donut holes bunch:




Nicely golden:


Next time I may dip the tops in Chocolate icing.   But I think this is a once to twice a year recipe.  They're too hard to resist when they're in the house.


Enjoy! :)